On an Android phone or tablet: Go to the Google Play App Store and search for “Zoom Cloud Meetings.” Click “Install.” On an iPhone or iPad: Go to the Apple App Store and search for “ZOOM Cloud Meetings.” Click “Get” to download and install the Zoom app. If you’ve received an email invitation to a Zoom meeting, click the link that says, “Join Zoom Meeting.” If this is the first time you’ve used Zoom, this link will take you to a website where you can download the Zoom program or app, depending on what device you’re using. The free version of Zoom should meet all of your needs. You must download this program from the Zoom website. Zoom is a program that runs on your computer, phone, or tablet.

If you want to know more about more advanced Zoom features like changing your background, raising your hand in a meeting, sharing your screen, and hosting your own meeting go to Zoom’s Support Center. To avoid intrusions and ensure the security of exchanges, the application proposes many measures including the removal of the meeting ID from the title bar of the call.This article only covers joining and participating in a Zoom meeting that you’ve been invited to. The desktop application is available for Windows and Mac OS, while the mobile application is available for Android and iOS.

It is an all-in-one application that works via team messaging for easy videoconferencing. Zoom Meetings is a very popular Cloud-based video conferencing application, mainly used by companies to organize meetings with remote or international colleagues and clients. They are most often organized via a webcam or a telephone.

A Zoom meeting refers to a videoconferencing meeting hosted using Zoom.

Zoom Cloud Meetings is a videoconferencing application that allows you to interact virtually with colleagues or employers when face-to-face meetings are not possible.